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21st Century Hermit Healing

In a world where there is a multitude of distractions on offer, to take a step back and go into hermit mode may be considered 'out there' especially when FOMO permeates the collective. But could going into this state periodically be what is required to remember who you are and to regulate a stressed-out system?

Lessons from the Tarot

The tarot archetypes are within us and active in society at large. Some may be more dominant than others possibly due to conditioning and having natural affinities with them, whilst other archetypes require some conscious development. Over the past few years, world events have practically forced people to acquaint themselves with the hermit archetype for a multitude of reasons. For those that operate from this state naturally, things may not have felt different. However, if this isn't a state you engage with often, the experience may have felt extremely unfamiliar and confronting. As one of the many results of this, it's possible there is an active rebellion and pushback against embracing the inner hermit.

Embracing the hermit involves some level of isolation, coming face-to-face with our own thoughts, emotions, environmental conditions, and situations that can be triggering at times. We were/are all in different contexts (proximity playing a vital role), so the "embrace your inner hermit" may have been met with a hard NO.

There is a sacred and great power to The Hermit, even if it's a temporary teacher.

Gifts of The Hermit

1) It provides the time and space to free yourself from entanglements

Whenever we enter a new environment, people, concepts, and lifestyles, some level of entanglement is bound to happen, however, the impact varies greatly. It can become difficult to see, understand, and fully comprehend when you're in the thick of something. It's usually when we take a step back and extract ourselves for a time that we begin to understand and see all the working components at play and their impact. Take time to witness how your body and nervous system respond when there is distance put into play. This is an opportunity to experience quality time with the self.

2) Opportunity to connect with your own wisdom + intuition more deeply

There will be many teachers, guides, and mentors, that you will meet along the way both directly and indirectly. The hermit reminds you that you encompass these roles too in other people's lives. It just requires you to listen and respect it within yourself. It might be worth having a journal or voice memos where you can record your personal wisdom teachings. Use your discernment with recording and its overall benefit to you.

3) You meet your inner alchemist aka Temperance.

Everyone has the ability to alchemise. To turn something that is leaden and dense, into something that is light in essence. It's innate. It requires creating time and space to sift and sort, but the only way you can fully interact with this state is by trusting in your library of processes that may make absolutely no sense to others because they have their own. If it genuinely helps to support and facilitate your well-being and health, it is for you. It works for you and it may be beneficial to others too.

4) You get to meet your council of allies beyond the physical

This depends on your level of receptivity which can be impacted by your core beliefs. You may start to notice specific signs and synchronicities, maybe you find yourself drawn to specific people, places, teachings, philosophies, and objects. What would happen if you became curious about the signs you receive? What if you trusted in the inner wisdom that rises up? Help and support can manifest in a variety of forms.

Your inner hermit may not be alone in a cave or on top of a mountain (or maybe it is if you have the opportunity), but it is there patiently waiting for its turn in your life and offering its medicine.

The hermit archetype can be a truly healing state to be in, that can assist with self-regulation, grounding, and clarity.



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