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Aquarius Season: Bridging New World Consciousness

Aquarius season is an invitation to reconnect with and take those next steps on our aspirations, visions, and wishes no matter how “out there” they appear to be. Out there usually means out of a comfort zone or what is known and familiar.

This is a season that encourages the expression of our truth. It becomes an exercise in reclaiming and utilising sovereignty and in the process it helps build self-esteem and confidence in our journey to greater freedom.

Any activities or practices such as mantra meditations, affirmations, vocalizations, and sound healing have an affinity with this season and are amplified. This also includes speaking up for ourselves and having those sometimes awkward conversations.

As a sign of the humanitarian archetype, there's an emphasis on interdependence as a way to enter higher planetary service. The individual is recognised as well as the emotional bonds that connect us. Aligning with groups who share similar visions, values, and ethics will create movements and increase social awareness.

This is an opportune time to open yourself up to new ideas, connections, and experiences, and gain alternate insights for progression.

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Fixidity & Paradigm Shifting

As one of the fixed signs of the zodiac (others include Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) in a wider application, these zodiac signs can reflect the dominant status quo held and normative ideologies. So when that changes or is questioned through new inventions and theories, a paradigm shift is induced.

A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach, perspective, beliefs, or worldview. It changes people's concept of reality as they know and understand it, and it disrupts the current status quo.

This can occur individually and socially, for example moving away from the flat earth theory, the earth being the center of the universe to the sun being at the center, social media changing how people interact, form relationships and expectations, and the rapidly growing use of AI that will change industries and impact the daily routines in human life experience are all considered social paradigm shifts.

Individually, for example, this can occur when someone's religious/spiritual beliefs change changing your core thinking about what is possible for you. Social paradigm shifts often impact individuals' way of life.

Reflect on what paradigm shifts are taking place in your life and socially.


Connecting With The Air Element

• Using sound to clear, uplift, and enhance healing and manifestation.

• Mantras and chanting to exercise vocal chords and align with specific intentions.

• Affirmations that focus on your desired vision.

Visualizations that focus on a specific purpose and/or theme.

*Our voice is a vibrational instrument that can be utilized to call in that which we seek and it can liberate us from lower energies.


Uranus: A New Energy

Uranus reflects the human urge to revolutionize, innovate, liberate, and break free. It induces change/chaos that helps to move beyond established thought. Marches and protests are uranian, where the voices and views of the wider masses are at the forefront and demonstrated. Uranus represents pivotal paradigm shifts individually and socially. This involves breakdowns, unexpected solutions, and innovation- with that comes a responsibility that reaches far beyond the individual.

Uranus is considered a higher vibration of Mercury. It is the universal mind, collective consciousness that is intuitively logical and emphasises creative thought and out-of-the-blue flashes of inspiration.

Elevated Uranus manifests as inventions and displays of unity that are ultimately beneficial to humanity and the earth and support the evolution of consciousness. It reveals itself in structures that encourage wider social awareness, altruism, independent thought as well as the ability to work as a cohesive team.

Uranus has an interesting underworld. It can become the embodiment of the very opposite of what this energy stands for in the pursuit of its ideals. Instead of inventions being beneficial for humanity, these tools become highly destructive if used with the lower ego in control. Actions for justice and liberation turn into covert elitism amongst particular members of a group or community, where certain specifications must be met to gain access to what otherwise would be considered general human rights. An example of this can be seen in ‘first-wave feminism’ which championed rights for women but lacked intersectionality, inclusivity, and diversity. These focuses were at the forefront of later “waves” and are still in the process of being explored and built upon today.

What is considered unusual, alien, out there, and absurd reflects Uranus. This planet is associated with independence, freedom of thought, and expression, as such the archetypes of the innovator, the pioneer as well as the lone wolf, and the outsider are strong. What was once deemed “out there” sometimes becomes accepted in ‘the mainstream’. From this comes trends and fads that phase in and out.

Eleventh House & Social Awareness

When we enter the eleventh house, we are met with aspirations, wishes, and visions, especially ones that impact wider society.

What vision do you have for humanity as a collective whole?

The eleventh house is the house of community, group dynamics, larger social activities and group consciousness. The self is extended to the group. In this area, we are called to become aware of our social role and what we are contributing to.

Ideas and beliefs about humanity, social mobility and movement, and the impact of social structures are explored in the eleventh house. It is an area where monumental paradigm shifts take place.

Tools created for mass use and consumption such as the internet, social media, AI, and space exploration come under eleventh-house rule, as well as new ethical and moral debates regarding such inventions.

Every choice we make (even seemingly small ones) has a ripple effect and impacts the type of societies being built.

The eleventh house invites us to become aware of the communities and ethos we are a part of and champion. The opportunity to explore collective trauma through communal healing presents itself here, especially around experiences such as being exiled, outcast, displaced, social inequalities, and community investment/disinvestment.

“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” -Anonymous

Tarot Inspiration: The Star

The Star from The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel

The major arcana associated with Aquarius is The Star. Depicting the symbol of Aquarius (a human figure holding a jar and pouring its contents onto the earth), what is uniquely innate is shared and nourishes the greater whole. This card is associated with personal and collective healing, higher knowing being anchored, and hopes, dreams, and wishes. It asks you to become aware of your innate gifts and talents and to begin sharing them with others. In doing so a network of light is manifested through l the emergence of elevated groups and communities.

Aquarius also features in The Wheel of Fortune and The World card along with the other fixed signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio), highlighting pivotal changes and paradigm shifts.




Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Expression + Emotional Empowerment and Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to learn more about the Approach and ways to Work With Me.



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