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Aries Season & A New Hero's Journey

Happy Astrological New Year! The energy of spring is activated through the fire activation of Aries season. We begin and start to interact with a new turn in the collective astrological cycle. Lessons have been learned from the 'past' cycle yet fresh, new opportunities are springing to life calling for our focus and most importantly, action. If it truly lights up your soul and uplifts your frequency, follow it!

Mars (Aries planetary ruler) reflects the human urge to act and interact with the changing environments we encounter. The willingness and courage to explore without knowing all the details are encapsulated in Mars energy. Taking a leap of faith and getting stuck in is where this energy thrives most. It's Mars's energy that gets the ball rolling in relation to an idea and vision. It's the momentum required to manifest. Mars is associated with passion, will, action, self-preservation, lust, and motivation. If the energy of Mars is not directed or channeled into some form of action, it can become restless, and impulsive, and creates conflict both internally and in the external world.

What do you stand for in action, word, and thought?

First House & Being in The World

The First House is the house of incarnation and physical embodiment whether it is an idea or a human being. Interaction with the earthly realm and all the different mechanics at play is introduced through the first house. Concepts of 'the self' and 'the individual' are explored through the body and the immediate environment. This sphere focuses on initial self-image and the early building blocks of identity and an awareness of our appearance. The first house can indicate how an individual may respond to the new, expectations of life and living, as well as potential approach and interaction with the world. The focus is on the projected persona, what people may initially interact with.

Key Statement: I AM

Aries season reminds humanity of one of the twelve universal laws, the law of action.

For us to manifest our desires into form, some level of inspired action is required on our part. By taking action, we enter a co-creative partnership with the universe.

The more our actions line up with our goals, visions, and desires, the more succinct the manifestations become.

We are asked to embody the energy of The Fool and The Emperor in tarot. To have the courage to say yes to life, to give things a go, and be open and willing to learn as we go along. Over time, we become more confident in our own skills and ability to navigate challenges and celebrate the wins in life.

The cardinal flow of Aries season presents a portal, a doorway, yet it is up to us to walk through it and initiate a quest. Take all that excitement and apprehension, and trust that whatever shows up, you will be able to navigate it.


Consider the different representations of The Warrior archetype. What do they share in common? Is there a particular warrior archetype you resonate with?

A hero's journey begins

and you're the main protagonist.


The key statement for Aries is, I AM. 'I am' statements connect us directly with the monad energy. Consider what you proclaim when you use 'I am' statements. Are they empowering and supportive? These statements are considered extremely powerful due to their directness and the all-encompassing energy of completeness and totality. It offers an opportunity to create a new narrative for yourself and what you want to create in the world.


Below is a video explaining the three Aries Decans and their energetic impact.



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