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Cancer Season & Activating The Celestial Nurturer

Welcome to the healing waters of Cancer season. As the Celestial Nurturer of the zodiac, cancer season calls the archetype of The Mother into focus in our personal lives and the many emanations of this social archetype. Collectively, there's a shift from thought to feeling and the interaction between the two.

Emotions As Manifestations

Cancer's key statement is I Feel and introduces us to the plane of emotion and feeling, where there is a wealth of material and wisdom to be gained if we are willing and open to exploring this realm within ourselves and other people. In a society full of systems that minimise the expression of emotion either through applying defense mechanisms or wearing indestructible masks out of fear of appearing vulnerable, it becomes a revolutionary and liberating act to talk about and express the vast ocean of feelings and emotions. How people have been socialised regarding emotional health and well-being is called into question, which can lead to individual and social reform. To be human is to feel. This season encourages us to apply curiosity, inquisitiveness, and compassion to our internal emotional ecosystem.

Like thoughts, emotions can come and go. They can be equally elusive yet they act as powerful catalysts for change and growth.

Emotions act as vibrational indicators, which can reveal the frequencies at play in our auric field and in a particular environment.


It's worth asking, how do I feel? from time-to-time. Whether that's in response to external conditions and environments or a general check in. Allow whatever rises to flow to the surface, so that you can acknowledge and honour your natural feeling nature. This can be applied to any intentions you have set and goals you are in the process of manifesting. This line of inquiry will help you to understand where you are in relation to your manifestations from a vibrational point of view which has an impact on this process. Then you can become active in the emotional alchemy that is involved in shifting from one frequency to another. Through this act, you become a co-creator of your reality.

As the individual awareness of our inner landscape grows, so does the collective knowledge and understanding of emotional health and well-being, which results in a planetary frequency shift from third-dimensional to fifth-dimensional living. This change in consciousness impacts the types of structures that are being built for future generations.

“Emotions are chi (energy) that has been imbued with a purpose...Your emotions are the key to the world around you; they "read" the field for you." Waking Up In 5D

Lunar Wisdom

Astrologically, the Moon is the planetary ruler of Cancer and reflects the human urge for emotional security and safety especially during times of transition and change. This planet represents your internal workings that include ingrained habits, survival instincts, and unconscious patterning. As a luminary and personal planet in the natal chart, responses to deeply embedded emotions and how you approach the emotional body is indicated with this placement. Click here to find out more about The Astro Triad: The Moon in your natal chart. It is through the Moon and its phases that opens the door to cyclical living and wisdom.

"The Moon's my teacher and I'm her student." She Wolf by Shakira

Fourth House & Creating Sanctuary

The Fourth house is the house of home, the family, archetypal parentage, immediate environment, the womb, and inter-generational patterning with the opportunity to engage in communal healing, especially along the maternal line. The concept of home refers to how we feel within our own bodies, being on this earth, and how we may create a sanctuary to take up space and plant our roots. In the fourth house, self-identity and individuation are recognised and explored through emotions, feelings, psychic impressions, and internal responses to the immediate environment. We become aware of the imprints of our origins and their impact.

Part of the adventure of cancer season involves getting in touch with your auric environment. Imagine it as a type of energetic housekeeping. There are layers to your aura and each layer has information, wisdom, and learning curves to explore. Emphasis is placed on the emotional body with this cardinal water season, especially as it pertains to early childhood, ancestral patterning/mentalities, navigating/healing co-dependencies, and working on releasing feelings of emotional indebtedness.

This season and archetype expands beyond the physical application of boundaries and invites us into the psychic hidden realms that can be accessed through nurturing the relationship with our intuition and fostering openness to things beyond the material world we inhabit.

This is a sensing season that uses emotions as a navigation system and catalyst for forward momentum.


Do what feels necessary to nurture your presence and light. Trust in your own timing and cycles, instead of being swayed by external queues in an effort to 'keep up'. Embrace cyclical living in a way that is meaningful to you.

Tarot Inspiration

Cancer season invites you to activate the celestial nurturer in you. In Tarot Cancer is associated with The Chariot and reflects the gradual building of courage and understanding that you can lead with your heart and take your logic with you. It requires trust, faith, and appreciation of your own intuitive knowing, feelings, and flowing with your natural cycles.

The Chariot from The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel.


What is your intuition communicating to you?

Moonstone is a crystal with strong associations to the Cancer zodiac. Bringing balance and harmony to the emotional body, drawing out intuitive insight, and supporting awareness of the natural cycles in life and the wisdom they have to offer.


By acknowledging the inner state you can create an open channel where you feel comfortable expressing emotions and feelings that strengthen relationships.


Learn about the Cancer Decans



Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Self Expression + Emotional Empowerment + Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to find out more about My Approach and ways to Work With Me.



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