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Capricorn Season: The Power of Anchoring

After exploring new vistas and expanding our perspective with Sagittarius and Jupiter, Capricorn and its planetary ruler Saturn come in as a balancing agent. With expansion comes a period of natural contraction. Ideas are still alive but now they yearn to be anchored into form. This is what Capricorn season and Saturn teaches us.

Capricorn season invites humanity to bring ideas and visions into tangible form, so that they can be experienced, usually with the intention that whatever is created will be valuable for future generations. It becomes our duty and responsibility to take actionable steps and commit to the management of these ideas.

This season emphasises moments in life where gradual development, building, and structure is required. It presents the opportunity to manage the seeds that have been planted and make a commitment to nurture your ideas through practical action.

As a cardinal earth sign, Capricorn creates the foundational blueprints for others to follow. Without this energy of order, structure and framework, ideas would be stuck in the ephemeral realms of imagination or would quickly crumble as soon as they were made.

What area in your life or idea is calling to be anchored? This may be through taking actionable steps towards a specific idea, revisiting previously set boundaries to see if they are still relevant and/or useful, tying up loose ends, and reconnecting to the purpose and mission of a project, goal, or self-care routine.

This is a season to streamline and structure no matter the challenges that present themselves and the external conditions. There's a reason why perseverance is associated with this Zodiac archetype and planet because it is needed to work the matrix of this world and potentially create new ones.

Digital collage Capricorn by Leanna Daley

Anchoring A New Earth

Joining social planet Jupiter is Saturn bringing balance to the manifestation/creation process. Saturn takes that pristine, clear vision and information learned through exploration and reworks it into current conditions as a way to bring it down to earth. Any continuous action taken to bring an idea to life, and change behaviour and mindset contributes massively to the process of anchoring. These steps are usually tangible and engage all parts of our being.

Trial and “error” are a given because that is how we have the most profound learning experiences. This involves becoming fully present in the moment so that we can review what is needed to progress and continue on our soul journey. Every moment becomes a learning experience, which may be more fully understood as time goes on.

When we are anchored, we are fully present in the now. We become aware of and engage with our ability to not only be a consumer but to be a creator too!

Self-Reflection: How can I bring mindfulness to the current moment?


Presence Exercise

Go outdoors for the best experience:

- Find a quiet space somewhere outdoors preferably in a natural environment such as a park or woods.

- Take time to familiarise yourself with the surroundings. What do you see, hear, smell, touch, taste? As you do this pay attention to your breathing.

- Either standing up or sitting down, bring your attention to your body. If standing you may want to take your shoes off so that your feet have contact with the earth. If sitting, place your hands palms down on the ground.

- As you do the above know that you are connecting with the electromagnetic field of the earth. Keep your breathing steady. Do this for as long as necessary.

-Once you are finished, say thank you and begin to bring your awareness to your surroundings.

*The purpose of this exercise is to bring you into the present moment and to connect with the crystalline earth grid. To remind you that you are supported. It is also a good exercise to help you slow down, engage with the natural world, and calm your nervous system as and when required.


The Teachings of Saturn

Saturn is the planet of structure and order, when elevated this enables things to go on, to function, and to gradually evolve with clear purpose and value. As a slower oscillating planet, Saturn slows the area in the chart where this planet appears. This is to create space for mastery to occur. This can be felt and experienced as a limitation which creates the opportune conditions to transcend beyond it and teach others how to do it too. You may notice that your Saturn placement indicates a repetitive theme or experience throughout life where you can gradually build a depth of understanding and application. You may be recognised in some way for knowing how to navigate a particular challenge or mastering a specific skill.

Another way Saturn can manifest is by indicating an area in life where you deal with and confront entrenched social conditioning and egregores (collective/group thoughtforms and ideologies) that you may follow but are now aware it is outdated for you, your path, and humanity as a whole.

Elevated Saturn will build strength and stamina physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, so soul growth can occur. It provides a structure that gives direction, focus, and purpose. Ultimately, the aligned use of Saturn empowers individuals and communities through lessons on accountability, duty, and responsibility where due. It deepens understanding and conscious application of the Law of Cause and Effect, which naturally builds resilience and continuous life skill development.

When Saturnian energy is operating from its shadow, it can manifest as the enforcement of oppressive regimes and structures, as an attempt to maintain control or a sense of authority. Guidelines become dogmatic and punishment is used for non-conformity, and the urge to be in control can lead to rigidity in worldview, approach to life, and transactional relationships where accountability and responsibility are denied. Internally, Saturn’s shadow can appear through behaviours of self-deprecation and condemnation creating a disempowering inner state where a belief that struggle is the only thing that exists. The act of not bringing visions and ideas into form can be a sign of an unbalanced or misaligned Saturn.

Tenth House: A Higher Mission

The tenth house represents the peak and highest point in the natal chart. As such, it is associated with public life and our role in wider society. Often indicative of what is striven for and potential career. It can also reflect our viewpoint and approach to the concept of authority. “Be the leader you wished you had.” is a fitting adage for this house as well as understanding the responsibility that comes with that.

We are invited to ask ourselves about the kind of impact we would like to have on the world and the type of legacy we want to build. As we reflect on these questions, we can begin to live intentionally and with conscious awareness.

Ultimately, what are your actions contributing to society at large? What ideological structures are you perpetuating as you live your life on this earth? Questions in this house go beyond the self.

“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” - The Kybalion

Tarot Inspiration: The Devil

Devil from The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel

The major arcana associated with Capricorn is The Devil. The Devil is one of the most misunderstood cards in tarot that can sometimes evoke fear, but this card serves as an important reminder when navigating internal and external shadow energy. This card alludes to attachments, addiction, materialism, and repeated patterns. However, ultimately it is an archetype of potential liberation. It reflects humanity's ability to transmute denser energies and experiences through wisdom and practical application. Even in seemingly chaotic situations, there is an order that can be used to transcend limiting experiences.




Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Expression + Emotional Empowerment and Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to learn more about Approach and ways to Work With Me.


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