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Create Your New Year Talisman

If you were to briefly look back at the previous year's themes and experiences, what talisman would you choose to represent it?

Talismans have existed in literature, legends, and myths, and have been passed down through ancestry, either as physical items or the alluring idea of them. They act as extensions of our energy in material form and can assist with healing the relationship between spirit and matter. We learn how to infuse the material world with light and in the process cultivate appreciation, respect, and enjoyment of the physical world.

The purpose of a talisman is to attract something to its owner, based on their specific objectives. Popular forms of talismans include jewellery, figurines, crystals, images, shells, and coins. Whilst an amulet's purpose is to protect and potentially prevent, a talisman acts as a physical embodiment of a desire.

Talismans are a constant reminder and anchor for your specific intentions that are personal and unique to you.

Talisman Creation

Think about what you want to attract and magnetise this year. Write it down. If you already have intentions set, remind yourself of them. Maybe you want to cultivate a particular emotional state. Maybe you have a word that you want to embody and bring into your everyday experience, or you have a specific goal/vision you want to pursue.

Talismans make the ephemeral tangible.

Once you are clear about what you want to attract this year, start to think about the design elements of your talisman. The details will correspond with your intentions. For example, if your intention is to attract, cultivate, and embody abundance, you may consider using citrine, green jade, or pyrite crystals. These crystals may be in their natural raw form or carved into a figure such as an animal or symbol that reflects your overall desire. You may decide to create or wear a piece of jewellery with a crystal in it. Talismans can also be created in a pouch, where you combine materials that symbolise your intentions for the New Year.

Allow your imagination to flow freely and let you intuition guide you in the creation of your talisman.

Clearing + Dedicating Your Talisman

Your method of clearing your talisman will be dependent on the materials you have used. Examples include cleansing with water, sacred smoke such as sage and lavender, intonations in the form of mantras, prayers, and affirmations, or any other method you highly resonate with to clear your talisman.

Remember, due to your focused intention in creating your talisman, know that you are already infusing it with specific frequencies and building its potency.

Once cleansed, get yourself comfortable, hold your talisman in your hands, and gently close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and say in your mind or out loud:


"I dedicate this as my talisman for (current year).


So it is."

(If you have any affirmations related to your talisman and certain energies you would like to call on to oversee the talisman, say them and call them in now.)


Care & Commitment

Have your talisman on or near you. Allow it to be your focus point and anchor throughout the year. Take care of it so that you build up its energetic potency over time through dedication and nurturing. You may begin to notice that these qualities start to manifest in other areas of your life. The talisman acts as your physical reinforcement for what you want to attract.

You Are A Talisman

Talismans come in a variety of forms. Something to consider is that you yourself are a walking talisman filled with desires, values you stand for, goals, and visions you want to attract into your life.

Taking and cultivating this perspective can initiate an internal shift, where you become more mindful and conscious about what you give your focus, action, and overall energy to, and it can enhance how you take care of yourself in your everyday life.

A question to ask throughout the year:

Does this support what I want to attract and create this year?


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