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Gemini Season & Mental Alchemy

Welcome to the quicksilver season and archetype of Gemini! Represented by the Greek winged messenger god, Hermes, and the Egyptian scribe god, Thoth, this season calls attention to communication streams, personal thought forms, ways of thinking, and the multidimensionality of the mind. This is mirrored by Hermes' ability to freely travel between the realms of man, gods, and the underworld, releasing golden nuggets of wisdom for self and collective enlightenment.

The Role of Thought-Forms

Gemini’s key statement is I Think which puts focus on our schematics and psychology. This is where the topic of thought forms should be mentioned. The concept of Thought-Forms comes from occult theosophy. It is based on the notion that every time we think, we create a mental and emotional manifestation. Different categories of thought forms can be further explored in Thought-Forms: A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation by Annie Besant.

It is worth reminding ourselves this season, that by nature, thoughts come and go. They can be elusive yet, there are narratives deep within the psyche that are on constant replay filtering our perceptions and encouraging specific behaviours.

You are the author, editor, and creative director of these scripts and you are being called to write (or rewrite) a new era for yourself.


Sit with that for a moment...You have creative intellectual rights over these scripts, plus the universe supporting you every step of the way (yes, even with everything that's going on in the world). That last bit is essential.

From an Aquarian Soul:

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.”Bob Marley

Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini and Virgo, reflects the human urge to communicate and express inner thoughts and ideas. This planet also concerns itself with processing information, retention, and the synthesis of data. Logic, reason, critical thinking skills, and the observable workings of the mind is the domain of Mercury. Mercury has a special relationship with Uranus. When Mercury and Uranus come together it encourages us to break free from mental conformity. Whilst Mercury is focused on the workings of the personal mind mechanics, Uranus is its higher vibration focused on the collective mind and thought forms. This relationship is especially important for third decan Geminis who have Uranus as a planetary sub-ruler.

Where the mind goes, energy surely flows.

Third House & Self-Expression

The Third House is the house of communication, learning, local travel, siblings, reading and writing, and early education. We begin to formulate and express our ideas, opinions, and thoughts. Self is explored through the individuation of thought. To conscious manifesting (that is manifesting with multilayered awareness beyond a specific result) the intentions of the first house combined with the recognition of skills and resources of the second house, are joined by our inner scripts that either align with our intentions or conflict with them. It is here that we apply our ability to edit and reframe our self-talk.

Gemini season reminds us of the pure vastness of the mind, its natural proclivity for divergence, and a knowing that thoughts, opinions, perspectives, and ideas come and go. In addition, the mind can be susceptible to influence. Some of those influences are well-intentioned, others not so much, but the key is to remember that you always have the power to choose. You can be selective about what information you consume due to its impact on your nervous system and you can ask questions if you're unsure and genuinely curious.

Asking questions is good!


You are well within your right as a human being on this planet to fortify your mind, and in doing so you begin to write new narratives and scripts.


It's natural for old inner scripts to try and fight for survival as you begin anchoring new stories. That's the resistance you can sometimes feel when repeating affirmations. Old/new grappling for residence in your mind. Have patience with yourself and remember there are people out there that can support you with reconditioning your thinking and help you to navigate the transition.

Tarot Inspiration

You are invited during this mercurial season to explore The Magician and The Lovers Tarot archetypes. To become a witness to your active internal monologues, editor of your thought forms and create a hospitable environment for new ideas.

The mutable flow of Gemini season emphasises mental adaptability and investigative experimentation. I suggest having a dedicated ideas journal where you can write down all those ideas of yours and a separate journal for the reframing and refining of personal inner scripts.


What are my most active thoughts/ideas? Do they require reframing?

Let the mental alchemy commence!


If we can imagine that thought is a type of action taken on the mental plane, we may become more selective and mindful of the thoughts we feed with our mental and emotional energy.


Learn about the Gemini Decans



Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Self Expression + Emotional Empowerment + Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to find out more about My Approach and ways to Work With Me.



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