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Leo Season & Soul Light Expression

Leo season with its solar energy has arrived to revive that inner spark and build self-esteem through our creative pursuits. It's a season and archetype that spotlights individual self-expression. You are encouraged to paint the sun back into your sky and expand it further. This turn on the wheel can support actions and intentions towards exploring personal hobbies, increasing channels for creative flow, promoting yourself and your work, and accessing more enjoyment in your daily life.

Creative Accountability

Leos's key statement is I Will and introduces us to the creative principle made manifest through action and engagement with our desires and dreams. We become the creative director of our reality and are invited to take accountability and responsibility for our creations, as well as apply imagination to the creative process. If it can be imagined, it can be made manifest, and it calls on our will, courage, and active participation in the process.

This is a season that reminds the collective to have fun with the journey of bringing something from the imaginal into the physical world, to open up to creative solutions, and allow that inner artist to roam free. When challenges arise, we take the lessons, apply the wisdom gained and continue to express that inner spark, knowing that in the long term, those challenges have strengthened our character and refined our manifestation abilities.

Leo's energy needs to be seen and recognised by the self and the external world. This season can be an optimal training ground to help heal fears around being seen and highlight any dimming of your light behaviours, that could be limiting your self-expression and quality of life. The key ingredients to synching with solar energy are courage and active participation. If there is one thing this zodiac sign teaches the collective is that all you require is the willingness to try and it will get the momentum flowing.


A place to start is by exploring your personal hobbies and interests. What interests you? What calls out to you? What would happen if you integrated more of what you love and enjoy into your everyday life? There is a deeper soul-led reason as to why you are drawn to particular activities and following them will support the expression of your unique identity.

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
- Martha Graham

Solar Power & Healing The Divine Masculine

The enigmatic Sun is the celestial ruler of Leo and reflects the inherent urge to express the self and its life force. The Sun placement indicates the primary soul focus for this incarnation that permeates every area of life. The divine spark seeks to be expressed and seen no matter what. The urge to channel this solar essence out into the world is the primary focus of the sun, as it helps to establish conscious individuality. Click here to find out more about The Astro Triad: The Sun in your natal chart.

As a luminary like The Moon, The Sun represents the father archetype and emphasises healing along the paternal line. Our attention shifts towards proactively integrating the divine masculine within ourselves and society at large. Divine Masculine energy focuses on directing the life force and protecting and honouring manifestations as and when required so that The Divine Feminine essence can blossom and expand to claim its rightful place. Both need to be fully recognised and embodied to create true harmony and inner wholeness. When masculine energy is out of balance, it may manifest as difficulty standing up for oneself and our truths, knowing what our truths are and challenges in protecting them, and feeling the constant urge to dominate and manipulate others in order to feel powerful.

Fifth House & Joie De Vivre

The Fifth house is the house of creativity, self-expression, hobbies and interests, and pleasure. Planetary placements and zodiac signs can indicate the type of creative pursuits we are drawn to and how easily creative energies flow. Known as the ‘house of fun’ it is this arena where we are encouraged to express ourselves and engage in the activities that we find enjoyable and satisfying, and improve our quality of life. Self-identity and individuation are explored and claimed through recreational activities that can bring us into contact with like-minded souls. This house can be used to enhance inner vitality and reconnection with the inner child. The question, what lights up your soul, can be indicated in the fifth house and the placement of the Sun sign. The more we can interweave what we love into our daily life, the more pleasure can be experienced.

Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up.
-Pablo Picasso

Leo season is a call to your inner child. That part of you that always remains, but as we move through life, can sometimes be forgotten. It reminds us of the importance of play as a potent healing force.

This season and archetype invite us to interact with the outside world by embracing all that it has to offer and honing in on what we enjoy, even if it is only for a little while. It's the adventure that is sought and if lessons are learned along the way, we will be even more equipped for future adventures.

Go. Express yourself no matter the potential response and reaction.

Tarot Inspiration

Whilst Leo is ruled by The Sun in astrology, In Tarot Leo is associated with Strength. The strength alluded to through this archetype is inner strength and the courage and persistence it takes to learn from life experiences and keep moving forward. Strength reminds us that it is ultimately sourced from within. Even through challenging experiences, you are still here. The strength you have cultivated is the strength of heart and spirit. You’ve taken external experiences, learned about your internal responses, and still exhibit boldness and courage to keep co-creating.

Strength from The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel.


Facing fear is an act of self-love.

Solar-based crystals such as Citrine, Sunstone, Carnelian, and Pyrite can help to energize the auric field, attracting abundance, and increasing self-esteem.


Sometimes it is about allowing yourself the space to explore in order to discover different parts of yourself. You give yourself permission and then you follow it through with inspired action.


Learn about the Leo Decans



Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Self Expression + Emotional Empowerment + Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to find out more about My Approach and ways to Work With Me.



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