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Libra Season & Venusian Visioning

From Virgo season we carry a sense of purpose into Libra season and apply it with Venusian principles such as allowing, the practice of holding a vision, attracting support, and expressing artistic license, to keep that ultimate vision alive.

Relationships of all kinds become an initiation training ground and mirror back to us unconscious desires, dreams, and fears that seek to be recognised and satiated.

Libra is an expression of The Judge archetype and we are collectively invited to get honest about any active internal and social biases, judgments, and unbalanced ideologies and participate in healing distortions. This may include teamwork, cooperation, advocating for self and others, and allowing artistic license to build understanding, empathy, and compassion.

Shared Visioning

Part of intentional manifesting requires cultivating the ability to hold the vision. This is actioned on the mental plane and is present from the point of conceptualization, all the way until its physical manifestation. This is especially vital during moments of challenge and discomfort. These challenges may manifest as internal doubts and changes occurring in the external environment. Throughout it all, the vision remains and becomes refined.

One way to keep a vision alive is to connect with those that share the same vision. If others play a vital role in your overall idea, they can add their talents and skills. At this point, it is important to make sure there is alignment in the shared vision including intention, motivation, and mutual understanding.

Venusian Ways to Keep The Vision Alive


🌹 Vision boards such as Pinterest to remind you what you're in the process of creating. Get creative with your reminders.

🌹 Prioritise self-care that raises your vital force so you can action your vision.

🌹 Connect and discuss with like-minded people. There's power in numbers and it can amplify intentions as well as build trust.

🌹 Delegate to people who specialise in particular areas. This is for those who feel the chronic need to prove that they can do everything by themselves.

🌹 Allow yourself to fall in love with the vision, no matter what. Remember, love manifests in many forms.

🌹 Take steps to share your talents, gifts, and skills.

The Venus Frequency

Venus is the celestial co-ruler of Taurus and Libra. Venus is so much more than “the planet of love”. It can show us what we truly value enough to cultivate in ourselves and life. It is a planet of shared vision where we connect with others to manifest something bigger. It can also reflect what can give emotional fulfillment and satisfaction. Look at your Venus placement and house position to gather clues about what will cultivate emotional satisfaction and fulfillment in your life and relationships. Then take the steps to provide them for yourself and notice the types of people you attract.

Venus also gets us to look at our concept of love and any associated ideologies these expectations are built on. What does it mean and feel like to be loved and loving? What does love mean to you? Love can manifest in a variety of ways. Sometimes it's the smile of a stranger, listening and holding space for someone, a sense of inner peace. However, love can show up through acts of dedication and devotion to the highest good, setting healthy boundaries so a relationship can evolve, or even saying no to toxicity in any form so that your and another's health and well-being are prioritised. Take time to notice all the different manifestations of this frequency in your everyday life.

Seventh House & Relating

Everything is connected. Whilst we may not see and understand all the causes and effects, we can rest assured that we have a relationship with everything around us. The seventh house is the sphere of partnership, cooperation, Union, and other people. After learning about ourselves as an individuated self, we now have the opportunity to connect with others and learn how we show up in relationships. Whilst the seventh house is considered “the house of marriage and relationships” and can indicate how we show up and what we seek in relationships, from a wider point of view this pertains to all types of partnerships (friends, co-workers, family). You may notice that those you are closest to regardless of the type of relationship it is, share a lot in common and there may be similar challenges to navigate across all your connections due to what your soul is here to learn. Ruled by Libra, at the heart of the seventh house, is the desire to relate and connect with others.

The seventh house can prompt you to review the health of your relationships, by diving deeper into the dynamics and intentions at play both your own and of the other person involved. In doing so, relationships have the chance to evolve and grow stronger, whilst others serve a specific purpose and season. Then there are those that are familiar yet they may have outgrown their contract.

Lessons about attachment pervade this house as well as projection. It’s possible that we may project our desires and fears onto another even though it is not theirs. The lesson is to understand the need underneath the projection and realise that we can fulfill that ourselves instead of expecting another to do so.

We have a relationship with everything around us.

Tarot Inspiration: Justice

Justice from The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne

In Tarot Libra is associated with Justice. This major arcana evokes energies such as balance, harmonisation, morality, and seeking fairness within our personal lives and the systems that govern society. It's important to be aware of the part we choose to play (consciously and or unconsciously) in such systems to better understand ourselves and the impact such choices have. In some instances, we may be called to advocate for ourselves, stand up for a cause, or help support others doing these things.


When we are in a state of inner harmony, we have the capacity to share that with others.



Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Expression + Emotional Empowerment and Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to learn more about My Approach and ways to Work With Me.



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