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Pluto In Aquarius: Evolutionary Dynamism

Updated: Jan 31

On the 21st of January 2024, Pluto re-entered Aquarius for its second wave of illumination and lifting of veils. Its first ingress into Aquarius occurred on the 23rd of March 2023 and then retrograded back into Capricorn on the 11th of June 2023.

Reflect on what was revealed to you during that time frame. What themes presented themselves? Which connections in your life were brought to your attention? Did any new understandings make themselves known to you? What ideas, inspiration, and insights percolated around you and through you? Reflecting on these questions will help you understand the pluto in Aquarius transit, its archetypal purpose and function, and how it is showing up for you in your life and socially.

Pluto will have one last visit to Capricorn when it retrogrades back into Capricorn on the 2nd of September 2024 until the 19th of November 2024, after which Pluto, the outer planet of transformation and transmutation settles into a new 20-year transit cycle through Aquarius. You may have heard about the 'Aquarian Age' for a while now - it is during the development of this transit that we will witness and engage with the components of the Age of Aquarius more intimately and be called to fully commit to creating a new earth through our thinking, actions, and acknowledgment of a wider social role?

Due to Pluto's long orbit, it can stay in a zodiac sign anywhere from 11-32 years. In that sense, it can reflect themes active in a generation, rather than an individual, however, its expression and manifestation can filter down through the house placement in a chart that makes it more individualised. Pluto in Capricorn reflects the long arduous breakdown of outdated, corrupt, and crumbling systems and structures- Pluto in Aquarius is a space for innovation and the emergence of elevated collective consciousness and approach.

The Pluto In Aquarius Collective

Souls that are born during the Pluto in Aquarius era will be the embodiments of innovation and the well-known Aquarian Age/ New Earth. Their frequency is different from those that have been before. It will be evident in their awareness that may seem 'beyond their time', their ideals, and their general mentality and approach to life. When it comes to expressing their truth, it may begin very early on in their life. There's a natural inclination to altruism and questioning the status quo, unlike previous generations in its elevated state, whilst also building a new set of structures and systems.

The key to this collective is to stay connected to their hearts, never lose their humanity, empathy, and compassion during a period of rapid invention and exploration, and technological advancement.

These souls have a higher elevated vision for society at large and they are adamant about it!


Pluto's Moves

Pluto's energy phases in and out. It rises and falls, but it never stops moving behind the scenes. Things are bought up to the surface and then they recede, only for that cycle to occur again. Each time, we intricately learn more and our inner alchemist skills are sharpened.

Pluto reflects the urge to renew at the deepest level. It's an inside-out energy, to draw to the surface any toxicity, corruption, and pollution in society and individually. This process can be confronting at times, as it may challenge people's concepts and perceptions of 'reality' that they have embodied for so long.

Pluto is persistent, even when it is quiet. It can force things out into the open so that behaviours and fixed perceptions can be cleared out. At its heart, it is a potent creative force that can set a new era into motion but first, some things require being looked at and released, or at the very least, detoxified.


1. The Drain-Cleaner Effect

Drain cleaner serves a specific and very important purpose, to get rid of the accumulation of 'gunk', so that water can flow unrestricted and unblocked. Ultimately, it enhances the quality of life in some form.

Pluto offers a similar impact if allowed (if there is resistance, that resistance acts as more fuel). There is nothing surface-level about Pluto. In Greek mythology, Pluto is known as Hades, the god of the underworld. Even the name Hades translates to 'unseen', which gives a big clue to what this planet is all about from a psychospiritual perspective.

The aim is to get to the root of things. In the process, we build the courage to go in at a deeper level, so that we can learn what transmuting energy is really about. As mentioned above, this deep-diving process can confront our ego, which prefers the established status quo or how things have always been.

In Aquarius, Pluto emphasises the masses and the communities and groups we are a part of and engage with, both offline and online. Pluto in Aquarius signifies, it's time for a clean-up of the more hidden dynamics, strategies, and frequencies that may be active and utilised, especially if abuse and misuse of power and influence are at play. This doesn't just look at the physical tangible impact such approaches have, it also includes the long-term psychological effect and the impact it has on the psyche.

A Question:

Are groups and communities supporting evolution or are they compounding de-evolution?

It may be a question to ask in our personal lives and in what we observe taking place in wider society.

If Saturn in Aquarius transit highlighted hidden, changing dynamics and agendas, Pluto in Aquarius is the cleaning-up and acceptance phase, for liberation and freedom.

We may be called to release our physical, mental, and emotional hold/attachments to such dynamics and environments. As such, group affiliations may evolve into healthier expressions, some interactions may be acknowledged as seasonal lessons and others may break down due to the faulty foundations they were built on. Through it all, it's ok to allow this process to occur.

2. What is Community?

1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
2. the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.

-Oxford Languages

The word 'community' has almost become a buzzword. When a community operates primarily from an elevated state, it provides a safe space for all its members. Everyone is seen, heard, and recognised. If there are challenges, empowering solutions are focused on and independent-mindedness is encouraged, even in a group setting. There is usually a clear purpose for coming together and self-reflection as a group is welcomed. We may be part of such groups or have experienced such communities.

As Pluto deals with the unseen and deeply hidden, a topic of interest that can emerge is the 'group ego'. Group ego isn't always spoken about following terms such as community, but it exists and is active. If unchecked, the group ego becomes the primary driving force of a community and impacts all of its members.

Signs of the group ego taking over:

  • Free movement and the thoughts of its members are rigidly minimised. Possibly followed by acts of ostracising, outcasting, and exiling individuals.

  • Gossip becomes the only language and reality that can become a destructive and manipulative force.

  • There's an intense focus on creating conflict, chaos, and drama that destabilises people without any focus on solutions.

  • Manipulation is used as a tactic for control. The focus is on 'power over' at all costs rather than 'power shared'.

The liberation and freedom from such environments become a focal point individually and on the world stage.

3. Uncovering A New World

Aquarius is the sign of hopes, wishes, and ideals. As a fixed air sign, the focus is on conceptualisation. The ability to hold onto a vision for the world, its people, and how society operates as a whole, is highlighted. Individually, we may find ourselves being called to review and fine-tune our dreams, wishes, and hopes. Unexpected realisations and epiphanies may occur that completely redirects our trajectory. Naturally, Pluto whispers "go deeper" by aligning yourself to your dreams, and become a "cooperative component" as Abraham Hicks would say, not just in the actions we take, but also in our mindsets and emotions which act as pre-manifestation indicators.

We go beyond performing 'living your best life'. We start to incorporate and prioritise emotional and mental satisfaction and fulfilment, as a way to improve the overall quality of our life and society. We are invited to reflect on the cost of fulfilling a set goal and how it is sitting with our psyche.

4. Earthly & Cosmic Symbols

Symbols hold a lot of power and influence. During the Pluto in Aquarius era, two such symbols that become even more apparent are The Butterfly and The Phoenix. Both reflect the theme of metamorphosis and teach humanity about the phases at play in the process.

The Butterfly and The Phoenix are symbols that epitomise transformation.

Have you ever noticed that the butterfly has become synonymous with transformation and how it is usually the fully formed butterfly that we are presented with? It entices and inspires, yet it can obscure the actual process that occurred for the butterfly to manifest. When a butterfly is in its chrysalis phase its whole former physiological composition dissolves and reconfigures. For this to occur successfully, it requires an environment free from interruption. I remember coming across a video of people opening up the chrysalis to see the butterfly, as a result, the creature didn't survive the transformation as its process was interrupted. We can use this as a metaphor for anything we want to create whether individually or as part of a group. Sometimes, challenges can arise and are surmounted. Yet there are times when external influences with a different agenda can destroy the growth of something.

Consider what is required to ensure the successful growth and thriving of a concept, dream, and goal, so that it can take its place in the tangible world. Maybe it's a consciousness you want to develop and truly embody, whatever it is it will require creating time and space for it see 21st Century Hermit Healing. In a world where instant gratification is satiated through same-day deliveries, we are reminded that forcing transformation and metamorphosis to keep up with society's time limits and our hunger for more, can impede the final manifestation.

The Phoenix is a long-held and revered symbol of transformation and the birth-death-rebirth cycle. Even this cosmic energy has a process to it that is phase-sensitive.

The Phoenix comes from Greek folklore and is said to be a mythical bird, that cyclically renews itself. With a strong connection to the sun and the fire element, it burns into flames and is reborn anew from its ashes. What this symbol can reflect is humanity's ability to renovate and rebuild from the debris. Coming back stronger, wiser, and more empowered than before.

*Check where (house) Pluto in Aquarius will be transiting in your natal chart to see where the energy of transformation and transmutation will be active.



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