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Sagittarius Season & Kaleidoscopic Vision Activation

After a time of uncovering and getting acquainted with your inner and outer dark materials during Scorpio Season, sparks of illumination, awareness, and inspiration make themselves known as a way to support and further encourage our ability to alchemise and transcend.

Sagittarius season is an opportune time to take steps towards expanding your knowledge and widening your life experiences, especially in areas pertaining to spirituality, higher learning, up-skilling, philosophy, and personal and social psychology can all enhance our knowledge base and provide further insight. Traveling may also provide the opportunity to interact with wider society.

This season can also present opportunities to share your experiences, talents, and skills with others as a way to pay it forward. With the archetype of The Mage, seeking new life experiences is balanced with sharing wisdom.

The mutable fire energy of Sagittarius calls us to go on a quest in some area of our lives.

Consider the activities that make you feel expansive, open up your energy, and activate soul satisfaction. For highly- sensitive and empathic individuals, a gradual, step-by-step approach to activating your inner explorer that feels good and honours your deep processing of stimuli, may be more beneficial and reduce the potential overwhelm of Jupiter's energy.

Once you become aware of what truly lights up your soul, it's up to you to walk in that with integrity and honour, as a way to express your personal freedom and vision.

Digital collage The Portal Voyager

Social Visioning

Jupiter's energy amplifies and can be used to enhance visualisation. Imagine its presence like a cosmic nudge forward. During Libra season we explored the term shared visioning and utilising the energy of Venus to create, enliven, and hold a vision.

As one of the social planets in Astrology, Jupiter invites us to extend our goals and ideas to help cultivate a vision for society. We are asked to reflect on the type of World we want to create for future generations and the role we play in it. Once we are clear on this social vision, we are called to summon the courage to stand by that ideal and embody it.

Extending our vision beyond the self connects us to an altruistic state and reminds us that we all have a part to play.

Self-Reflection: What is my vision for a New Earth?

What is my role in it?


Social Visioning Exercise

Think of an idea, goal, or vision that you have for yourself:

- Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed.

- Get into a comfortable seated position, allow your whole body to relax, and take time to get clear on your personal vision.

- Now slowly begin to imagine the social impact your personal idea may have. Take note of any feelings and thoughts that arise.

- After you've spent some time feeling into this wider vision, write down what you experienced.

*If there were parts of this extended vision you felt uncomfortable with or it didn't sit right with you, make a note and reflect on other potential alternatives that feel more aligned with you. This is part of the clarifying process. You may become aware of certain values and ethics that are being sought to be integrated into the idea, as well as areas of research to further explore.

To take this further, enhance your vision and connection to it through the Golden Yellow Topaz Visualisation below


The Pulse of Jupiter

Jupiter reflects the natural human urge to expand. To grow and to venture beyond what has been known and experienced. If you catch yourself wondering “Is there more out there?” that is the energy of Jupiter calling you to accept a quest. As a planet of traveling, Jupiter manifests in a few ways. For some, it may include physical travel to places where you feel a magnetic pull. For others, it occurs on a mental level where new horizons and avenues are explored for personal and social knowledge.

Elevated Jupiter will always enhance personal and social philosophy and understanding, encouraging humanity to see the bigger picture and widen perspectives, especially towards experiences outside of our personal and collective norms. This often involves stepping outside of comfort zones in some shape, way, or form.

It would be difficult to explore this planet without mentioning abundance. Jupiter is the planet associated with this energy and the placement in a person's birth chart reveals where and how expansion is sought and where opportunities to prosper are readily available depending on the individual's receptivity to that energy.

Due to Jupiter's emphasis on growth and venturing beyond stated boundaries (with or without permission), the shadow can manifest as excess, overindulgence to the point of detriment, lack of healthy boundaries, greed, and wastage. We may become aware of our personal and social contributions to these ways of being and our internal conscience may nudge us to make changes. Whether we heed the call is a matter of free will (also a Jupiter and Sagittarius energy).

Ninth House: The Search for Meaning

What does this all mean? What's the purpose of this? What is my contribution to society? Are some of the questions contemplated and engaged within the ninth house of philosophy and beliefs.

Existentialism and asking life's big questions is a core line of thinking in this house, which inevitably can lead to cycles of existential crises as we try to make sense of the world and our role in it. Luckily there is a diversity of philosophies and practices that can support the pursuit of understanding.

Ethics, morals, and law are a feature of the Ninth House that invites us to figure out what our own code of conduct is and whether we are in alignment with that. The dance between spiritual values and social values is encountered here, testing our individual and collective ability to alchemise the two.

“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” Paulo Coelho

Tarot Inspiration: Temperance

Temperance from The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel

The major arcana associated with Sagittarius is Temperance. To temper means "to mix" and "to combine"usually extremes of energy, for example, hot and cold, heart and head, our earthly bodies, and our higher self. As we take the time to sift and sort through experimentation we find ourselves in the process of alchemy. A merging takes place that produces something new and different that is in a state of eventual harmony. Temperance encourages adjustments and adaptation in order for an inner and outer elevation to take place.


Where or what are you being called to align with to help anchor a new Earth expression? Is it a specific place? A cause close to your heart? A new way of being? Know that the more you align with it, the more resources of support you’ll attract.



Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Expression + Emotional Empowerment and Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to learn more about Approach and ways to Work With Me.


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