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Scorpio Season & Transmuting with The Violet Flame

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Scorpio season is an auspicious time to set intentions and engage in practices that focus on releasing and surrendering that which is no longer serving our highest good. Any type of practical and spiritual action that supports letting go is power-charged during this season and its cosmic current.

You see, releasing is part of the purification process. If accepted (and acceptance is a strong frequency during this astrological season) the act of letting go allows space for a reconfiguration to occur.

As one of the fixed signs in the zodiac (along with Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius) the changes that have the potential to take place with scorpionic energy are usually paradigm-shifting in nature no matter the time frame. There are multiple phases and layers to the process of transformation that occurs individually and at a social level.

If fixed energy can teach us anything, it's patience and radical acceptance.

Scorpio, in particular, brings our attention to the emotional baggage and debris we carry, even if it is not readily visible or tangible, undercurrents of what once was have a way of manifesting into our current experience.

All that stuff swept under the carpet or relegated to the shadows will make itself known at some point.

All in the name of evolution!

Maybe your perception of the world requires a clean, or your approach desires to be refined. Maybe what happened a decade or so ago needs to be acknowledged with honesty for true change to occur, or all those unconscious apparitions seek the light through expression.

Whatever it is, these dark materials are rich with creative potential and reflect your very own museum of curiosities to explore.

Watch an introduction to Exploring The Shadow for Beginners

Digital collage The Emergence

Releasing with Etheric Fire

One such esoteric tool that can be used to support the transmutation process, is invoking the Violet Flame. Known as one of the many ascension flames, these flames are a type of etheric fire that can be called upon to support you on your life journey. Each flame has a specific purpose. The Violet Flame is the flame of transmutation.

This ascension flame which can be used as a form of colour healing helps to clear, purify, and dissolve dense energy. When invoked, it can assist with surrendering that which you are being called to release and ultimately transform it into a higher state, vibration, or form. It assists in dissolving stubborn thought forms and the emotional baggage often attached to those thoughts, that have been percolating in your field for some time but are no longer valid for your soul journey moving forward.

The Violet flame can be incorporated into meditations, guided visualizations, and crystal healing as containers and anchors for this energy stream.


Violet Flame Meditation

You can be as general or specific with the violet flame practice below as it can be used anytime you feel confused or overwhelmed:

- Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed.

- Get into a comfortable position either sitting up or lying down and allow your whole body to relax.

- Take several breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, with each breath you relax more deeply.

- Either out loud or in your mind say “I call on the violet flame of transmutation.” As you do, imagine a violet flame descending down on you surrounding you in a cocoon of calm protection.

- Imagine it dissolving the tension in your body, permeating every layer of your auric field, the outdated thoughts, the emotional baggage, and sit within it for as long as you require.

- Once you feel ready say thank you and imagine it ascending from you into the ethers.

Visualising the violet flame is good for focusing and directing your mental energy. As well as connecting with crystal skulls to assist with paradigm-shifting on the mental plane.


Engaging The Senses

Lavender helps calm the mind, body, and spirit, encouraging deep relaxation. Lavender is associated with peace, healing, tranquillity, and purification. Once in a relaxed state, it supports you to release and let go which assists this Violet flame practice. Some find the scent of lavender to be comforting, especially during times of change.

Sage is a renowned herb for purification, clearing, protection, and shielding. Imagine it as a type of energetic insurance.

Violet with its namesake instantly connects this flower to the Violet Flame. It enhances frequencies of harmony, resolution, love, and peace during the purification process.

*Combining these scents can help with sleep and diffuse nightmares.

Any type of purple crystals are a good fit for Violet Flame practices as they naturally hold the violet ray energy stream. Amethyst in particular is a potent crystalline structure for the violet flame. As a quartz variant amethyst assists with purifying and clearing the energy field, soothes and calms the nervous system, and enhances perception.


Plutonian Waters

Before the discovery of Pluto, Mars was assigned co-ruler of both Aries and Scorpio, infusing this fixed water sign with a cleansing fire to support the process of transformation by applying the power of will and action. Sometimes the act of overcoming the most challenging of experiences becomes the stage for great metamorphosis. This Martian energy becomes tempered by Pluto which represents the human urge to regenerate and transform.

Pluto’s wisdom introduces the role cycles play in the process of transformation. Instead of everything happening all at once, Pluto reminds us that there are phases and natural processes that take place. It asks us to recognise and honour the cycle we are currently in, as well as be cognizant of the external cycles that are active.

Pluto's energy phases in and out accumulating mass over time. What can look like a sudden unexpected event, with further investigation may turn out to be the result of multiple factors independently gaining momentum and coming to a convergence point. Even so, there is emotional and mental alchemy that takes place to process such events and experiences in life that are equally important in order for personal and social evolution to take place. This can take years, decades, and sometimes even centuries that can help develop acceptance, compassion, and a more nuanced understanding of human psychology and behaviour.

Read Pluto In Aquarius: Evolutionary Dynamism to learn more about this transit and the 4 key themes

Eighth House & Hidden Materials

Scorpio season initiates us into the 8th house where transformation and transmutation are at the core. This house is associated with rites of passage, navigating shared resources, inheritance (both physical and spiritual), metaphysics, sexuality, psychology, and the birth-death-rebirth cycle. There's a shift that occurs passing through the eighth house. We delve deeper into self-awareness and combine it with universal understanding. There are opportunities to learn how to regenerate and repurpose.

As a house of merging, there are two distinct levels where this occurs. At a mundane level, this brings focus to the management and response to shared resources and inheritance such as monetary gain, property, items of value, contractual agreements, and intimacy (which can become a transcendental experience).

However, the eighth house reaches beyond the world of physical senses and tangibility. It investigates the unseen, hidden, and metaphysical. This is where the birth-death-rebirth cycle is engaged. Attitudes, spiritual beliefs, rites, and rituals towards death and loss are honoured in this house. The concepts of the afterlife, ghosts, spirits, magick, and psychic abilities all come under the eighth house.

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Albert Einstein

Tarot Inspiration: Death

Death and Shadow Work from The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel

Scorpio is associated with the Death card in the major arcana and is one of the most evocative cards and archetypes. As the thirteenth key in the tarot journey, Death in symbolic terms and physical initiates us into the shadow realm within ourselves and society at large. The hidden, the unknown, and the obscured are met with this tarot. We are reminded of mortality, the grieving cycle that comes with it, inevitability, and acceptance of the natural cycles that are part of our experience. This is a card of transformation at the deepest levels of the human psyche, shadow work, the underworld, and our relationship with the unknown.


When we learn to hold all the paradoxical parts of ourselves and others, true alchemy occurs individually and socially.



Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Expression + Emotional Empowerment and Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to learn more about Approach and ways to Work With Me.



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