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Taurus Season: Your Energetic Investments

The 'I Am Presence' that was activated and explored during Aries season is now extended to the resources we possess in the tangible world. This includes becoming aware of and utilizing our inner resources. All this is impacted by our sense of self-worth. What we value becomes prioritised and established through the material form.

Taurus season presents you with the opportunity to take your intentions, ideas, and downloads, and develop them further by co-creating with the material world. You and your ideas become embodied and you can experiment with creating your talismans as extensions of your intentions.

Venus (planetary ruler of Taurus and Libra) reflects the human drive for connection, relationship, and unification internally and externally. Venus is associated with beauty, fashion, the arts, money, and our sense of self-worth and value. When elevated, Venus's energy is focused on harmony, synergy inspiration, and cooperation which leads to emotional satisfaction. In its shadow, Venus's energy can manifest as an over-attachment to material possessions, self-worth, and value become synonymous with what a person has and lust can become confused with love.

Establishing boundaries is a form of self-appreciation and respect.

Second House & Ownership

The second house brings our attention to the resources we have. This includes tangible resources and innate skills, abilities, and talents that can be utilised to achieve ‘success’. Planets in the second house can indicate what comes naturally to you and how to attract and embody the frequency of abundance through your actions. The second house speaks of what we value. We prioritise what we value through our actions and where we invest our energy, whether mental, physical, or emotional.

Key Statement: I Have

Taurus season calls you to appreciate what you already have. This may include material resources, quality relationships, embracing your body and roots, and acknowledging your innate skills and abilities. It's a reminder to become aware of what you have and to cherish it.


This also goes for your daily routines and rituals. If it works for you, and makes you feel good, grounded, and appreciative, then keep doing it. 

The archetypal energy of The Empress and The Hierophant in the tarot is spotlighted. Both call our attention to the practices, principles, routines, and rituals in our daily life that help us to feel steady, provide comfort and safety, and remind us that we still have the right and the innate creative power to prioritise what matters to us the most.

It may involve reviewing some approaches and upgrading them. There's a call to re-establish practices and routines and to get back to the fundamental basics.

The fixed flow of Taurus season asks us to begin grounding intentions into form and to slow down enough to enjoy the process along the way.

Create time each day to appreciate what you have, as you nurture your reality into being.


Energy has many forms: thoughts, physical actions, and emotional states. Keep this in mind when repeating this affirmation. Consider what you want to grow and nurture.


Below is a video explaining the three A Taurus Decans and their energetic impact.



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