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Universal Year Number 2023

In Numerology each new year represents a Universal Year Number (also known as a World Year Number).

It's the total sum of the current calendar year and holds specific frequencies and themes for humanity as a whole.

2023 = Universal Year Number 7

(2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7)

Imagine it as the backdrop for the collective and the energetic influences at play that develops over the course of the year.

This year centers around themes of reflection, attaining knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. There's a call to seek answers and unearth truths socially, as well as connect more deeply with our own inner truths.

The archetype of The Truth Seeker is activated.

The number seven holds a potent mystical frequency that is often associated with esoteric teachings and enlightenment. For example the traditional seven planets in Vedic astrology, the seven wonders of the world that act as nexus points to facilitate expansion, and the Vedic seven chakra system. Time and time again, we see how the number seven forms a foundation and initiation for many teachings around the world.

That being said, there's an urge to reconnect and build a stronger relationship with our intuition. We're encouraged to value it, explore it, and incorporate it into our daily lives.

If you've ever heard of the phrase:

Lead with your heart and take your logic with you,

2023 is inviting us to do exactly that. To build the courage to open our hearts back up to life and to trust that humanity is supported in doing so, even when challenges arise that cause the urge to close it.

The 5th-dimensional new earth awareness requires us to have open hearts, which creates a greater capacity for compassion, empathy, and community.

You may witness more people being open to and expressing spirituality. 5th dimensional based communities may emerge in person and in online spaces (especially when the Pluto in Aquarius transit begins, initiating the start of a new era of awareness and paradigm shift). People may be more inclined to spend time by themselves, as a form of healing.

Embracing The 7 Frequency

  • Learn how to truly enjoy your time alone. This will help to strengthen the relationship you have with your inner world and your natural connection to the universe.

  • Create and find environments that encourage and provide support for inner work and healing, instead of environments that compound shadow.

  • Make space for rest, recuperation, and rejuvenation, so that you can recalibrate and come back to your center. There may be a lot of resistance to this due to 'hustle culture' being a dominant conditioning program. Now is the time to check in with ourselves and be honest about the long-term impact this way of living is having on our health.

  • Connect more with the natural world. Nature is the great healer. It can assist in the detoxification of the mind, body, and soul. Surround yourself with it so that it can soothe your nervous system, increase dopamine levels naturally, and clear your energy field.

  • Choose flow over force during a Universal Year 7 (and a personal year 7). Lessons in detachment and trust are highlighted this year. Know that opportunities will present themselves without your over-involvement and micromanagement which can highlight issues with control and fear of the unknown.

  • Embody a state of appreciation and gratitude, as a way to recognise the blessings that are already present in your life. *Note, this doesn't mean avoiding how you really feel. Instead, it helps to bring balance, and calm and acts as a mindfulness practice to bring you into the present.

  • Lean into your spiritual practices and rituals that fill you up. If you feel called to try different practices and tools, follow that call.

  • Your intuition is calling. Follow any intuitive nudges regarding health and exercise regimes.


Year of The Chariot

The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel

In tarot, the universal year number 7 corresponds with The Chariot in the major arcana. A vehicle for emotional and mental ascension. There's a feeling and deep knowing that we as a collective are being led by something other than logic and reason.

It requires new levels of faith and trust in ourselves, humanity as a whole, and something 'other'.

2023 activates a mass heart awakening. There's a nudge to pay a little bit more attention to the signs, synchronicities, and energetic subtleties in life. To dance with the mysteries and peel back any veils of distortion.

Use The Chariot as your power card for 2023. A rapid inner and collective elevation of the mind and heart is about to occur.

Learn how to calculate your Personal Year Number for additional information.




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