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Universal Year Number of 2024

In Numerology each New Year represents a Universal Year Number (also known as the World Year Number). It's the total sum of the current calendar year and holds specific frequencies and themes for humanity as a whole.

2024 = Universal Year Number 8

(2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8)

Imagine it as the backdrop for the collective and the energetic influences at play that develop over the year.

This year centers around themes of personal power, abundance, and karma. This auspicious number provides the opportunity to balance out areas of resources, career, and personal integrity.

Let's start with this number's most well-known and revered association, The Abundance Frequency. It's natural for us to want to grow and evolve in a multitude of areas and for things to feel like they are gradually improving our experience of life. So, when prosperity and abundance emerge it piques people’s attention. Its magnetic pull is felt, especially during current times. It provides a training ground where we can explore, understand, and begin to embody this frequency in our lives. This will be different from person to person and community to community.

Abundance is described as a very large quantity of something and it has most often been associated with money. This understanding is deeply rooted in the collective psyche and social structures unless you have explored an esoteric approach that views money as one form of abundance. This approach goes beyond material possessions and instead emphasises the mindset, a state of being that incorporates being aware of and improving thought patterns, actions, and emotions which all interplay with one another. From this perspective, all resources no matter their form hold value, and the more we become aware of and show appreciation, the more it lines us up with the frequency of joy.

As our mindsets begin to shift, so too does our sense of personal power and sovereignty. How? By being courageous enough to step more fully into a state of creative accountability. With this intention and action, we come face to face with the Law of Causation.

“Every Cause has its Effect, every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognised.” The Kybalion

8 is a number of karma. The Sanskrit word ‘Karma’ means ‘action’ or ‘work’ and is another term for the Law of Cause and Effect. The cause or causation is the action (karma) followed by effects. Therefore, all activity whether conscious or not creates karma. There are different types of karma we encounter. For example, family/ancestral karma is passed down through generations and as a result, current generations may be dealing with the actions and the effects of their predecessors physically, mentally, and emotionally.

We encounter karma through the personal actions we choose or the ongoing actions and their effects of a country. Attitude is key during an eight Universal Year. We are called to pay particular attention to our reactions, responses, and true motivations behind our actions as they can impact the manifestation.

Visually, 8 is also linked to Justice and balance. This can be seen when we turn the number on its side, revealing the infinity symbol which reminds us of the ever-present and ongoing natural law of cause and effect. If we open up the symbol further, a circle is revealed eluding to the infamous ouroboros and the cyclical nature of life as we move from one level of the spiral to another.

If there is any type of misalignment in our lives, an eight-year will highlight it so that it can be brought back into a state of personal and social equilibrium. As a potent year of manifestation, what you think about the most will come to fruition, making this a great year to clean up and purify thought patterns and beliefs.

Crystals for the 8 Frequency

Embody The 8 Frequency

  • Call back your power. As a number of empowerment, this is the year to reclaim your essence by dissolving cords and attachments to fears, dramas, and limitations. This occurs by recognising where we have knowingly and/or unknowingly given our power away or had taken from us. At any time we can call soul fragments back from environments, relationships, experiences, and memories. Deciding not to engage in daydreaming about a particular event will start to dissolve the mental attachment.

  • Honour Creative Accountability. We are all magicians and have more power to Co-create than we have been taught. Part of that is accepting our role in the actions we take as and when required. Maybe there are times when our lower self takes over, being honest and truthful about that and course-correcting will feel and be more empowering.

  • Vision over Fear requires a shift from fear-based thinking to focusing on your desire. Pay attention to the tone of your thoughts and how you think about things. Yes, you may be thinking about your desire but what is the vibration of those thoughts?

  • Cultivate the courage to give things a go. As a double 4 year, there's an emphasis on building, structuring, sowing seeds, and learning that you don’t get the fruit the same day you plant the seed. To do that, action is required which relies on the courage to create. Maybe things didn't go the way you expected, maybe it did, either way, you are learning and fine-tuning.

  • Drop Comparison. Everyone is on their path and whilst it's tempting to compare your life to another, it ultimately drains your reserves. There are so many intricate details we are unaware of and if we focus too much on other people's lives, it distracts us from our own and living it authentically. Gone are the days of carbon copying. Do it for you, your path, and the mission you feel called to.

  • Embody a state of gratitude, as a way to recognise the blessings that are already present in your life. *Note, this doesn't mean avoiding how you feel. Instead, it helps to bring balance, and calm and acts as a mindfulness practice to bring you into the present moment. Those seemingly “small” moments of joy matter.

  • Develop a skill. If there is something you want to explore or update, put that energy out to the Universe. Whether this is taking a class or self-study, an 8-year will facilitate evolution and improvement.

  • Build Strength and Stamina of the mind, body, and spirit. What you do in one area, impacts the rest. Focusing on physical strength shows us that with consistent action we can grow and are capable of many things. Similarly, learning about and implementing healthy boundaries (psychological strength) will strengthen our self-esteem and boost our vital force.


Year of Strength

The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel

In tarot, 8 corresponds with Strength in the major arcana. This card is a reminder that even through the challenges, you still stand. You've cultivated a strength of heart and spirit, and you have taken external experiences and learned about your internal responses, and still display the courage and boldness to continue to Co-create with your heart open. That is strength. That is self-sovereignty. When faced with fear you choose compassionate accountability.

Keywords: Self-mastery • Courage • Sovereignty • Composure • Victory • Ego Integration •

Use Strength as your power card for 2024.

Learn how to calculate your Personal Year Number for additional information.


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