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Virgo Season & Earth Alchemy

From the hustle, bustle, glitz, and glamour of Leo Season, we are brought down to earth in Virgo season, reminding the collective of the importance of downtime and reconnection for our overworked nervous system and sanity. We are asked to bring with us courage, creative responsibility, and any lessons learned about giving ourselves and others the space to express their existence regardless of potential reaction or response. Habits of performing to fit in may have been recognised as well as the realisation that you already had the right to express yourself, all it required was self-permission.

Maybe you learned about your leadership style, put yourself out there in some way, or became aware of your talents and skills. Whatever you encountered during Leo season, will serve you as you move throughout the year.

We shift from serving the self to being of higher service through Virgo season.

Higher Service

Virgo's key statement is I Analyse and emphasises the role discernment plays in our lives. Discernment can also be applied when understanding the true value, worth, and purpose things have. Asking, What purpose does...have in my life? Can help to clear out distractions, and outdated routines, and help you understand the true function of a particular habit.

At the heart of the Virgo archetype, is the urge to be of service to humanity. Purpose is highly valued and applied to every area of life. If confusion or doubt begins to manifest, reconnect to the original purpose and why. This can help you to regroup and bring clarity, whilst allowing room to make adaptations where required. One of the shadows that can manifest from this is falling into servility in order to seek recognition and be told how worthy a person is. This usually occurs when self-identity has not been developed outside of this context. When the desire to be of service is balanced out with an understanding of self and value, the individual becomes a valuable asset to themselves and who they serve.

Appreciation of the little everyday things, from the tools used to make life more manageable to the details that may be taken for granted, can help ease built-up nervous tension and diffuse habits of hypercriticism and judgement towards the self and others, as well as anchor you into a frequency of gratitude. Reminding yourself that there is always a solution even if it is not yet perceived will put you into alignment with potential options.


Due to the detailed orientation of Virgo and its Mercurial influence, incongruencies and discrepancies between an idea or communication and how ideas truly operate can be picked up on rather quickly. This skill can help with fine-tuning the efficacy of something. However, if this is coming from a place of deep insecurity it can turn into a habit of micromanaging (this can occur beyond the work environment) in order to feel in control and safe due to a lack of trust, which can become overwhelming for the individual and others this behaviour may impact.

To help with this, learn about how your anxieties may manifest and what support mechanisms can be put in place to help you regulate. Support may come in the form of other professionals, quiet time to reflect, and additional coping skills. This connects with creating daily routines (sixth house) that are suited to you.

If in doubt, reconnect with the purpose.

Mercurial Mechanics

Mercury is the celestial co-ruler of Virgo and Gemini, however, in the mutable earth sign Virgo this planetary energy seeks to move beyond the realm of ephemeral thought and into the application of ideas, systems, and theories into the everyday. How beneficial and valuable a concept or system becomes paramount and if this quicksilver planet needs to redirect to optimise efficiency and purpose, it will. Mercury may be slowed down in this sign ever so slightly, but the attention to detail helps to understand the bigger picture and vision.

Mercury reflects the urge to communicate and express thought. In Virgo, thought craves tangible form. How you process information and stimuli becomes a priority due to the impact it has on your daily functioning, and if adjustments are required, they are encouraged to be explored and implemented. Contrary to social expectations and 'averages', everyone processes information differently and the impact of specific stimuli on the individual varies greatly and offers an opportunity to learn the workings of your mental body. Your mental body is the layer of your auric field that holds mental concepts, thoughts, and ideas in the rational world. If you have an active mind, this layer pulsates, however, if there are active limiting thoughts in this layer, it can slow the frequency down and create confusion at this level. The Higher Mental Body is where you interact with others, people, animals, and surroundings. A lot of information and energy exchange happens at this level, where the skill of discernment is required to filter information, its usefulness, and its impact.

Read about thought forms and the Gemini Archetype

Sixth House & Everyday Magick

It's the little moments that make up your every day that matter. The sixth house is the realm of service, health, daily routine, work, and management. The sixth house brings focus to the daily routines, rituals, and habits that are frequently engaged with. On one level the sixth house asks, how can you best serve your health and well-being through your day-to-day activities? This requires you to understand your needs and requirements physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, as they are all connected. You are called to create a highly unique 'care plan' that ultimately helps you to thrive and flow. Attention to this helps open you up to providing higher service that goes beyond the self and reaches out to others. This may be through the work you do and/or volunteering for causes that are close to your heart. Whilst the sixth house may seem 'mundane' it's necessary for the smooth upkeep of life and due to the mutability of this house, routines are encouraged to be changed for full optimisation. You can always infuse some enchantment into your daily life!

The sixth house can prompt you to review your responsibilities, and duties, and clean up any management systems. For some, you may realise that you have been taking on responsibilities that are not yours and delegation could be of benefit. Check out the sign on the cusp of the sixth house to understand your approach to responsibility, innate skills, and planetary placements that can show you what your daily routine requires.

To live an enchanted life is to pick up the pieces of our bruised and battered psyches, and to offer them the nourishment they long for.
-Sharon Blackie from The Enchanted Life

Tarot Inspiration

In Tarot Virgo is associated with The Hermit card. This archetype isn't the most celebrated in society, however, its wisdom for dealing with modern life is potent and much needed. Ultimately, The Hermit asks us to know thyself. You are called to retreat every once in a while so that you can come back to yourself, recentre, reflect, and access understanding which you may have otherwise been distracted from. A card of inner study and understanding of ancient and universal truths, The Hermit encourages meditation as a way to listen.

Read 21st Century Hermit Healing to learn about the gifts of The Hermit.

The Hermit from The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel.


Know that your career can complement your purpose but not define it.
- The Divine Director from Keepers Of The Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray


One way to clear your energy field is through alone time. Connect with nature, and reduce the amount of stimuli so that you can retune.


Learn about the Virgo Decans



Hi, I'm Leanna,

Intuitive Astrologer, Tarot mentor, and guide focused on earthing cosmic consciousness through mystical pragmatism. My mission is to hold a safe space for the souls I connect with as we explore esoteric modalities, encouraging Creative Expression + Emotional Empowerment and Intuitive Reclamation. Click here to learn more about My Approach and ways to Work With Me.



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